
Saturday, September 25, 2010

Walk To Defeat ALS Fundraiser!

What a great day! The weather was beautiful, lots of walkers showed up in support, Team Betty was the top Family Team fundraiser and the walk itself brought in almost $23,000!!

My whole family was there, my brother and sister drove in from their schools and joined us for the day and we had an excellent bar-be-que lunch after at my cousin Danica's house!

I am so thankful to everyone who has supported me and donated to this cause that is so close to my heart. This year I am proud to say that with everyone's help, I was able to donate $1,865! I was also honored to be asked to speak before the walk and share my story of my Aunt Betty and my platform "Community Awareness of ALS" with everyone there.

My Aunt Betty, we miss and love you!
Team Betty
Dusty the mascot of the Tri-Cities Dust Devils
Dusty, the next Outstanding Teen?...
My brother Dan and Uncle Mark
Giving my speech
The youngest family walker, Aunt Betty's granddaughter Adria and her daddy Rick
My mom and dad
The starting line with Dusty and Gail Davis who cut the ribbon!
Walking with my brother Danny and sis Lindsay
Two new friends...McKenna and Mattie!
We finished!
Handing out the awards with Barry "Big Bear" Long of
COOL 97.5 FM!

The Corporate Sponsor winner Cassandra
TEAM BETTY Top Fundraising Family Team!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

September Time!

Well, summer fun is over and fall has begun! I had a great summer...went on a fantastic vacation with my family, had fun seeing friends I have made at several pageants, a bake sale, kids activities, the fair etc.!

Now I have started my sophomore year of high school and back at dance and drill team practices and performances...but the MOST exciting thing coming up is "Walk to Defeat ALS" on September 25th.

This is a 5 mile walk that helps to raise money for people in our community affected by ALS, known as Lou Gehrig's Disease. This will be my second year walking as Co-Captain with my Uncle Mark in memory of my Aunt Betty.

This year I have also been asked to speak before the walk and share my story of my aunt, my platform as Miss Moses Lake's Outstanding Teen and my experiences helping to raise awareness of ALS.

If you would like to visit my personal fundraising page, please go to:

You are all welcome to join me at the walk! Hope to see you there!